The next day Daniel had agreed to go along with my sketchy map and list of peublos I had written down to navigate a circuit of taxis and bus that might easily bring us full circle back to Tenancingo in a day.
I checked google earth for a route which had names of towns that didn't Daniel mentioned earlier.
After catching the first leg of the trip that took us past La Cumbre, where we were last night, we got off at San Nicholas, on the way down to
Malinalco. No more than 2 or 3 kms. into the second bus as I was thinking how nice it would be to come across some of that artistic grafitti I saw on an earlier bus ride into Tenancingo. Bang! There it was ...we jumped out at the most convenient spot to pullover all buses usually do. The 7 pesos (40 cent) fare was well worth the forfeit.
A masterpiece of a mural that I must spend some time with, unfolded itself along my path.
This work of art is actually an official community of Malinalco announcement billboard with a graffiti style, written emergency number to call in case of a forest fire. The artist even left his signature on it!
While on the same topic of subject matter, the other day I came across a group of sign painters/artists who were waiting for the OK from a home owner so they could to repaint a new billboard announcement along the front face of their high stone wall fence. Seems that this kind of community advertising is a common practice. There are many walls in Mexico, the perfect medium for transfer of such messages and for a few pesos a sign, owners can rent out their wall space. Here I was, in the middle of discovering the art of practicing a legal business of graffiti and sign painting that is a common prolific form of street art in Mexico. It was a feast for my eyes and camera to watch these guys in action. ...only in Mexico.

Our next stop was the town El Picacho, perched on top of another ridge that we continued to climb from San Nicholas. The ridge jutted outwards towards the vast Malinalco valley we left behind and was surrounded by the deep valley on both sides of the ridge. Geographically, the place is an excellent location known by paragliders and locals for the perfect thermals that rise up from the valley floor below. From the main road in town, the walk down to what looked like a good unobstructed vantage point to catch the panoramic view was a good hike.

As we walk along the many field crops of corn, overabundant peas, beans and
napoles (traditional mexican quisine) and
maguey!... Let me tell you about the maguey plant!!
Mezcal and
Pulque are both made from this plant.
It is called a wonder plant and been used by the people since ancient times. Both are staples for the people and economy of Mexico. The large ones resemble those late night movie ...creatures with tentacles about to grab you by the leg!! Ha Ha ! If you're not fast enough to get away.
...back to the journey.
My thoughts about the possible existence of ancient ruins on this place was confirmed by Daniel. Most energetic places were situated strategically by nature's forces; also as a vantage point and as a place of transition when moving or travelling. I must return with the intention of executing some twilight and dawn panoramics of the view. There is a perspective looking down the road that would make an interesting lead into the picture by streaking the automotive lights into infinity. I could only imagine the visibilty on a clear day/night after a summer rain.

This photo is a composite of 21 photos shot off the hip so to speak, strictly a documentation for the real McCoy so I can locate a more strategic spot on my return. I've also used some effects it to cover up the hazy atmosphere.
For beginner paragliders especially, There is a gentle slope, set aside by the local farmer and paragliding schools that lease the spot, (so to speak) that is a very suitable area to catch, feel the lift and play with the wind, for a stretch without crashing down a cliff below. Next time I return I want to feel the physical sensation of flying. Daniel has a paraglider.
I remember reading this story about some buddhist monks that climbed up a steep chimney high in the Himalayas. They tied each other, one at a time to a large kite while the others held onto a couple ropes as they caught the winds that shot straight upwards from a strategic rock. I always thought that to be a practice among the daredevils of the 21st century only, but also a practice by many before us.
After a hike back up to the main road to catch the next bus or taxi closer towards our adventurous dream, we got off in the next little busier town called Joquicingo. Our first little hike was to a powder baby blue and white church that just glowed with angelic vibrations of the subdued blues and stark white paint against the pure blue midday sky.

Interestingly, I've noticed engraved prehispanic cornerstones embedded in the facade of most churches. Usually an aztec temple or ruins existed prior to the church of which most of the building materials for the structures of these thousands upon thousands of churches originated from existing ruins, temples and civilizations scattered out in the vast countryside of valleys and mountains in Mexico.
The name of L'onantario appears on the top stone which is probably hispanic but the flowery face below I have recognized at other churches and ruins.
I believe my friend Daniel had a conversation regarding the word and the blocks set in the cement.Hopefully D will comment directly below or may shed some light on this query.
The rest of the town was painted in many tones of pure color. Here's a view looking back to the main church along the main road of Joquicingo deoicting the multi rainbow colors of concrete homes and businesses.
Our next stop was in San Francisco another 20 minutes further up the mountain towards Tenango where we will catch a bus back into Tenancingo. The first and most obvious place to visit in each village is the "Centro" part of town which usually houses activity at the main square, church, town hall and market all usually a stone's throw from the Centro. Chances of finding a taco or cervesa here are usually good.
Now the entrance gate to the main church of San Fransisco was dressed up to the nines..but unfortunatley, this time, fake flowers were used but certainly still a work of art and color. Many churches decorate with real flowers or even seeds to integrate the customs and celebrations of the time of the year.
Looks like the Illuminatti was alive and strong 700 years ago in the reconstruction of the "New Mexico" by the spanish and the church just after the conquest of the Aztecs. Here's a closeup of the front facade of the above church.
Inside, the architecture and artwork is equally more impressive with a traditional cupola,
intricate and sometimes pure gold foil designs. There are many stories regarding the safe keeping of the churches gold during the revolution.
and many larger than life murals of Saint Francis of Assisi,
a man of wealth taken to spiritual wanderings, founder of the
Franciscan Order and who is the first recorded person to bear the wounds
of Christs' passion. Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment.
Most churches in the small villages and towns of Mexico have an established saint dedicated to it. Hence the religious celebrations occur quite consistently from town to town. There's always a party for some and for others a glorious day to participate in celebrations in a more religious and spiritual way of prayer and devotion!