Here's a new series of photographs that have won awards in both Applied Arts Magazine's 2008 Annual Competition in the conceptual series category and also in the creative digital category for Nature's Best Windland Smith Rice International Awards Competition.
Here are a few of the award winners and artist's statement.
“Rock of Ages”
"Rock of Ages" is a fine art series of depicting the three-billion-year old-Precambrian Shield . The rock was liquefied by forces of extinct volcanoes and tectonic pressures and scraped clean of ancient mountain ranges by two-mile-thick glaciers. Time and weathering reveal these powerful forces of energy at play. By mirroring abstract patterns and shapes in the rock some form is given to those ancient forces as mythological creatures and symbolic representations of the earth’s antiquity and energy.
To a keen pair of eyes and a still mind, the rock’s surface is engraved with the wrinkles and scars of permanence that are a result of natural forces from within the earth.
Also known as the Canadian Shield, it has an abstruse nature; its shape has the appearance of a warrior’s shield which evokes mythical imagery of an era lost in the earth’s origins.

In this series of concepts, I have attempted to create form with my perceptions of the rock while characterizing the antiquity of our earth. I start by utilizing existing elements of light and shadow, line, texture, patterns and shapes to capture an original abstract image. Through the use of Photoshop, I simply mirror the abstract image to give it form with reflective symmetry.
Mythological creatures, ancient structures, symbolic animals and primeval human forms with some earthy recognition immediately emerge from these images. There is a familiarity with these conceptualizations--as if they trigger our childhood imaginations or are understood as a result of our inherent connection with creation.

The symmetry seems to connect with our subconscious need for order in the chaos of nature. The images evoke in me a curiosity or wonder where the analytical mind becomes hampered and the playful imagination awakens. They are a like a mirror to reflect on the earth's past--and on our--future. It is permanent and will always exist, long after its current inhabitants have disappeared.
To recognize that this earth is a living, breathing entity of energy that is billions of years old and that all species are dependant on it for our survival is a reminder to contribute respectfully and react with responsibility. We play a significant role as caretakers even though we are temporary guests.
* The “Rock of Ages” photographs are available as a limited edition of 10, in both black and white and color, printed as giclĂ©e on canvas.
Size: 20x30 inches Price: $550.00 ea.